Policies and Pricing

Rosedale Pet Resort's Policies are designed with safety in mind. I like to keep things simple, and ensure clarity on what all parties can expect.

Pick up/drop off times are as follows:
Monday-Friday 9am-11am, 3pm-6pm
Saturday 9am-11am
Sunday 2:30pm-5pm

Camp Fees

For the Dogs: My all-inclusive overnight price is $70 per dog (Effective October 1st, $80 for dogs). My basic care includes things that kennels often charge separately for.

* Special Diet Prep or Medications

* Enrichment time, walks, playtime and ample outdoor potty breaks

* Flexibility on pickup day to avoid an extra charges if pickup is after 24 hours or a morning cutoff

* Regular, personal Pupdates

* Holiday and “peak” dates

* Departure day deluxe bath and dry

For the Cats: My all-inclusive overnight price is $30 per cat(Effective October 1st, $35 for cats).

For me, it's not about hosting as many as I can house but instead ensuring each kitty gets the appropriate amount of space, natural light, and attention. I don't charge extra for special diets or medication and each kitty has their own designated condo with a window.

Camp Rules

I very intentionally care for only a very small number of pets at one time. All the pets that I keep must be friendly towards people. I will never take a pet that I don’t feel I can safely accommodate. This means safety for your pet as well as other campers and my family. For the protection of your pet, all campers in my care, and my family, aggressive animals cannot be accommodated. Should your pet show any signs of aggression while in my care, your pet will not be allowed to return.

Dog Specific:
I feel a responsibility to provide care for dogs that may not be easily accommodated in traditional boarding. For that reason, I prioritize care of small dogs and geriatric dogs. I realize this can be frustrating for those with dogs that don’t fit into those categories, so please know that I love all dogs and will take other dogs space permitting whenever I can. I am also happy to give you recommendations of options that I would use for my own pets. Even if I can’t accommodate your pet, I’m happy to help you locate appropriate care.
I do not currently require an evaluation for boarding. Instead, I rely heavily on the transparency given when answering my registration questions and I follow up as appropriate. I will determine daily who I believe your dog can safely play with (cats do not socialize). I base this on several factors including size, age, play style and other observations. While I don't have a completely open concept, dogs are stressed less when they are able to be out with me as much as possible, so dogs that are not comfortable in that type of an arrangement may not be the best fit. They always return to their private bunk rooms for mealtimes and sleeping.
I will work case-by-case with owners to determine if I might be a fit for a dog that does not do well with other dogs. If you feel your dog should not socialize with other dogs, that does not mean I will not accommodate, but please know I have very limited space for dogs that need to be kept separate. I also may have follow-up questions for you to ensure that having it isolated won't make it miserable.

Safety is my top priority. Even if your pet is primarily kept indoors, they can be exposed to viruses carried in the air, dust, or even on clothing. Vaccination is an inexpensive protection against costly treatment or even the premature death of your pet. Always consult your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment. All vaccinations records MUST be received by myself no less than 48 hours prior to your pet coming in for the first time. Failure to do so may result in your boarding reservation being canceled. I don’t do this to cause stress, but to ensure safety and avoid last minute chaos. All animals boarded on these premises have provided proof of current vaccinations prior to boarding, however I will not be held responsible in the event that a dog contracts Bordetella or other distemper related diseases. Please ask if you have questions related to this exception.
NOTE: Vaccinations should be administered 2+ weeks prior to their stay to ensure efficacy.

Dog Requirements:
Rabies Vaccine, 1-3 years depending on age and vaccine.
Distemper/Parvo/Lepto (DHLPP) Combination Vaccine, 1-3 years depending on age and vaccine. If you have concerns with your dog having the Lepto vaccine, let’s have a discussion
Bordetella Vaccine (aka Kennel Cough)
Recommended but not required: Canine Influenza and a Flea/Tick preventative. My home is situated on 5 acres in a wooded area, so I STRONGLY suggest that your pet be on a flea preventative. I do work very hard to keep things flea/tick free, but it would be dishonest to say there are not fleas in the environment.

Cat Requirements:
Rabies Vaccine, 1-3 years depending on age and vaccine.
Distemper Combination Vaccine, 1-3 years depending on age and vaccine. The combination vaccine should include protection against Feline Distemper, Rhinotracheitis, and Calicivirus
Recommended but not required: Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and a Flea/Tick preventative. Even indoor cats could be exposed to a flea visiting a vet office so I strongly encourage a flea preventative.

Flea/Tick Policy:
Owners are responsible for keeping their pet(s) flea & tick free. Should I find evidence of fleas or ticks after drop off, I will perform a flea & tick bath immediately to inhibit an infestation to other pets and an additional $25 fee will be imposed. Due to the controversy with flea/tick medications, I do not require them but I also do not want pets to be needlessly infested if they do happen to pick something up.

While Your Pet Is At Camp

Drop Off:

Dropping off your pet at camp can be hard and I realize that. In my experience, short goodbyes are less stressful and you can take additional comfort knowing you’ll be receiving an update on how your pet is settling in. 

One favor I do ask is that you watch your speed as you approach my home. Being a good neighbor is crucial and neighborhood children (and my own children) play in the neighborhood often. Please abide by the posted speed limits even if you’re in a hurry.

Communication and Updates:

It means a lot to be able to provide meaningful peace of mind about how a pet is doing while you are away. I send regular updates via text to the phone number listed in the account for the owner. My goal is to ensure you receive periodic updates (with photos) so you know how things are going. If I have any concerns, I communicate those immediately as well. If you are out of the country or cell service, I will reach out about emergencies only to your listed emergency contact but you may just get a flood of the day-to-day updates when you have service again. There is no expectation to respond to each update but often it’s fun to get to know owners as I’m in such regular contact. If my updates annoy you, let me know and I can send less.

Medical Care:

While I focus on safety, medical events can happen at any time. I will first try to reach your vet and would prefer your vet provides the care. I will partner with local veterinarians that can provide medical services should your pet experience a medical condition that would require veterinary care or supervision. Due to the difficulty obtaining vet care I will try your vet first but seek care wherever I can locate it if your vet is unavailable. If an emergency or illness occurs, I will attempt to contact you and/or your emergency contact immediately. I will use my best discretion in securing appropriate care for your pet. You agree to pay for all costs associated with necessary veterinary care and I are not held responsible when deferring to the advice of a veterinarian. 


Rosedale Pet Resort takes great care to ensure safety. My property is perimeter fenced with six-foot chain-link fencing. It was a hefty investment to ensure security. By boarding, you should feel satisfied that the height of the fence and described safety measures are ample and agree not to hold Rosedale Pet responsible should your pet escape. If you feel that your dog is at risk for escaping a six-foot fence, please alert me so I can develop a safety plan and talk about whether I’m the best option. My first concern is your pet’s safety. Ultimately while I will do everything to keep dogs secure, I am not responsible for a pet’s escape.

Dog Playtime:

Although Rosedale Pet does not have a completely open play concept, I do keep the dogs engaged and lower their stress by offering them a chance to “free roam” with me as much as possible during the day. By boarding with me, you acknowledge that there is always a risk when choosing to put your dog out with other dogs and agree not to hold Rosedale Pet Resort responsible for any injuries resulting from playtime. I love seeing dogs getting to be dogs and roaming outdoors on natural terrain comes with some risks and owners should understand that accidents can happen even with supervision. I am not responsible for illness or injury that could occur.


Excessive barking can be a sign of stress and if your dog(s) barks excessively while with me, unfortunately I will not be able to allow your dog to return for boarding in the future. 

Boarding Check-in / Check-out:

I try to keep things simple. I do not charge extra for daycare on the day of departure and just asked that they are picked up by the last checkout time for the evening. While not my intent, if a pet is still with me at the last check out time and we haven’t pre-arranged, I will keep your pet for an additional overnight.

Just like a resort, all charges incurred must be paid in full at time of checkout. By boarding with me you agree that in the event that charges are not paid in full at time of pick up that the pet will not be released to the owner until such time that payment is made in full.


You should be comfortable with your pet being photographed during their stay with me. Please know that I am the exclusive owner of the images for my social media and marketing. 

Cancellation Policy

It is my desire at this time to operate without a strict cancellation policy as plans can change quite suddenly. My focus is customer service and safety and I do not want to put owners in a situation of frustration with cancellation fees or surcharges if avoidable. As a courtesy, I would be grateful if you did cancel as soon as you know you won't need your reservation so I can open it to another guest as I typically have a waiting list.

Refusal and Removal of a Pet:

While extremely uncommon, I may at my discretion, refuse to provide boarding to a pet coming into care. If I initially take in a pet that I determine later is not suitable to be boarded with me, I may thereafter refuse reservations. If I determine a pet that I’ve taken in shows signs of illness or poses a safety risk, I can request for the immediate pickup of the pet.


Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this contract; or breach thereof, or as a result of any claim or controversy involving alleged negligence by any party of this contract, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association and judgment upon the award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall, as a part of his/her award, determine and award to the prevailing party part of the costs of such arbitration and reasonable attorney’s fees of the prevailing party.

This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties. All terms and conditions are binding upon your reservation.


Medical Care:

While I focus on safety, medical events can happen at any time. I partner with local veterinarians that can provide medical services should your pet experience a medical condition that would require veterinary care or supervision. If an emergency or illness occurs, I will attempt to contact you and/or your emergency contact immediately. I will use our best discretion in securing appropriate care for your pet. You agree to pay for all costs associated with necessary veterinary care and I are not held responsible when deferring to the advice of a veterinarian.


All animals boarded on these premises have current documented vaccinations on file, however I will not be held responsible in the event that a pet contracts Bordetella or other distemper related diseases. Please ask if you have questions related to this exception.


Rosedale Pet Resort takes great care to ensure safety. Our property is fenced with six foot chain link fencing and dogs are supervised while in the play yards. By boarding, you should feel satisfied that the height of the fence and described safety measures are ample and agree not to hold Rosedale Pet responsible should your pet escape. If you feel that your dog is at risk for escaping a six foot fence, please alert us so I can develop a safety plan.


Although Rosedale Pet does not have an open play concept, I will offer small playgroups by request. By selecting those options, you acknowledge that there is always a risk when choosing to put your dog out with other dogs in the play yard and agree not to hold Rosedale Pet Resort responsible for any injuries resulting from playtime. As our terrain includes natural landscape, there is always risk of injury just as at home and Rosedale Pet Resort is not responsible for any such injuries.


Excessive barking can be a sign of stress and if your dog(s) barks excessively while at Rosedale Pet Resort, unfortunately I will not be able to allow your dog to return for boarding in the future. 

Boarding Check-in / Check-out:

I try to keep things simple. Pets checking out must be picked up by closing time on departure day otherwise will be boarded for another night at their current nightly rate.

Just like a resort, all charges incurred must be paid in full at time of checkout. By boarding with us you agree that in the event that charges are not paid in full at time of pick up that the pet will not be released to the owner until such time that payment is made in full.


Any controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to this contract; or breach thereof, or as a result of any claim or controversy involving alleged negligence by any party of this contract, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association and judgment upon the award rendered by an arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitrator shall, as a part of his/her award, determine and award to the prevailing party part of the costs of such arbitration and reasonable attorneys fees of the prevailing party.

This contract contains the entire agreement between the parties. All terms and conditions are binding upon your reservation.

Cancellation Policy

It is my desire at this time to operate without a strict cancellation policy as I understand that especially during these "unprecedented times" plans can change quite suddenly. My focus is customer service and safety and I do not want to put owners in a situation of frustration with cancellation fees or surcharges if avoidable. As a courtesy, I would be grateful if you did cancel as soon as you know you won't be needing your reservation so I can open it to another guest as I keep a very small capacity.

If the time comes where it's needed to enforce a more defined cancellation policy, this will be revisited.